ASHRAY is dedicated to the development of the deprived people (backward and poor rural women, people with disabilities, child labour, victims of trafficking and violence) of Jharkhand. The organization is working on the following issue of Child Marriage, Child Trafficking, Child Labour and Child Sexual Abuse. The organization participated and organized Child Marriage Free India Campaign in Madhupur, Sarath, Karon, Devipur and Margomunda blocks of deoghar, Jharkhand covering over 50 villages under the project. 

The Campaign Activities included:

1. Akshaya Tritiya Campaign – Child Marriage Free India campaign was organized and conducted events in Madhupur, Sarath, Karon, Devipur and Margomunda places. The campaign reached out to different religious leaders to pledge to prevent and end child marriage in their villages, districts. 

2. June Action Month – Ashray the organization conducted the action month with the objective of Child Marriage Free India and prevented 02 child marriages, 0 injunction orders and , 0 FIRs got registered. The campaign was conducted in collaboration with ICDS/Panchayati Raj/ Education departments and covered by Print and social media with an outreach of 10000 directly and 15000 through online.

3. 16 October 2023 - Child Marriage Free India Campaign Event – The campaign event was conducted in Madhupur, Sarath, Karon, Devipur and Margomunda locations covering 50 villages in collaboration with ICDS/Panchayati Raj/ Education departments with notifications issued by Panchayati Raj departmentsThe campaign was organized in Deoghar districts, 50 villages, with an outreach of 82457 and directly pledge 34645.

Campaign highlights:

Campaign Photos:

Campaign Media Coverage: 

And other activities etc. 

Child marriage is not just an age-old social evil, but also a heinous crime that robs children of their childhood.  Child marriage is a “crime against children” that violates basic human rights, minor girls are forced to marry and live a life of mental trauma, physical and biological stress, domestic violence including limited access to education and increased vulnerability to domestic violence. The consequences of child marriage are severe and extensive. Some of the specific consequences include: early pregnancies leading to complications and higher rate of maternal mortality and death of infants, malnutrition among both the infant and the mother, increased vulnerability to reproductive health, disruption in girl’s education and thereby reduction in opportunities of her personal and professional development, domestic violence and abuse, limited decision making powers in the household, and mental health issues. 

India’s Census 2011 revealed 12 million children were married before attaining the legal age, of which 5.2 million were girls. Globally, child marriage is identified as a crime and a menace that needs to be eliminated. It finds space in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, under target 5.3 of Goal 5 that states elimination of all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation by 2025.

The latest National Family Health Survey (2019-21) shows that although there is a drop in the overall rate of child marriages, from 26.8% in the National Family Health Survey (NFHS 4) to 23.3% in NFHS-5, it is still high despite laws, programmes and schemes in place to address the issue. 

Child Marriage Free India Campaign

Understanding the seriousness of the issue, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in W.P. Civil 382 of 2013 pronounced that the sexual intercourse committed by the husband upon his wife being under the age of 18 years with or without her consent can be constituted as rape. To address this, the most definitive and audacious commitment to end child marriage was made with the launch of Child Marriage Free India campaign.

Child Marriage Free India (CMFI) is a nationwide campaign led by women leaders and a coalition of more than 160 NGOs spanning more than 300 districts working to eliminate child marriage in India. CMFI is working to attain the tipping point of child marriage, after which the society does not accept this evil practice and that will happen when the prevalence of child marriage is brought down to 5.5% by 2030, from the current national prevalence rate of 23.3%. This is being done by initially targeting 257 high-prevalence districts and gradually focusing on all the districts of the country.

Child marriage results in child rape, resulting in child pregnancy, and in a large number of cases, may lead to child deaths. For decades, we have been losing generations of our children to child marriage. The Child Marriage Free India campaign has received extended support from various Departments and Institutions of over 28 States. So far, across India more than 5 crore people have taken the pledge to end child marriage over the last one year through the efforts of the Child Marriage Free India Campaign.

Our Impact

बाल विवाह मुक्त भारत अभियान में आश्रय मधुपुर का एक छोटा प्रयास